Lectures & Events

Listen. Ask questions. Explore new ideas.

Christian Science lectures are public talks presented by members of the Christian Science Board of Lectureship. These experienced practitioners of Christian Science present ideas that are based on Christ Jesus’ teachings and the Christian Science textbook, Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy. 

Topics covered include:

How does prayer heal?

Why does spiritual healing matter in today’s high-tech society?

Who is Mary Baker Eddy and how are her ideas relevant today?

Upcoming Christian Science lectures

Regular talks are held in Victoria each year. Everyone is welcome.

Watch a recent lecture

Click to watch the replay of these recent lectures.

Moving past fear - to healing

Speaker: Lisa Troseth, CSB

Fear can be overcome and even healed in our lives by discovering the strong connection and relationship we have to something bigger than ourselves—God. By learning to lean and rely on this greater, higher good, we can feel moved to love beyond ourselves—and this frees us from fear and so much more.